Category: IP Solutions
Evertz Scorpion Configuration Tool
Please find below a containerised configuration tool for the Evertz Scorpion 6, kindly made by CT US. This tool will allow you to do a ‘factory reset’ or all the […]
Evertz Scorpion Firmware and Documentation
Please find below a link for Evertz Scorpion firmware and documentation.
Kairos Firmware and Manuals
Please find below a repository for Panasonic Kairos firmware, manuals and documentation.
Ubuntu (Linux) CLI Cheat Sheet
As we’ve been utilising more IP in our production systems there has been an increasing need to work with Linux. I’ve attached a handy cheat sheet which is provided with […]
Imagine SNP Firmware and Resources
Please find below a useful repository of all the Imagine SNP firmware files, manuals etc. Link
Arista mDNS Gateway
Arista switches are able to run an mDNS gateway service which is useful for systems that use mDNS for discovery and if you want that discovery to work across VLANs.
Monitoring Scorpion 6F with Zabbix
On site at Gartner 2023, we’ve been able to monitor the status of SDI inputs, and output crosspoint patching by polling the in-built API function of the scorpion.
Cisco 4500 Boots to Rommon Mode
Sometimes when powering up a Cisco 4500 it will boot into Rommon mode by default rather than launching the Cisco IOS operating system as it should. You can get the […]
SMPTE 2110 – Helpful Resources
Please find below links for some useful SMPTE 2110 resources. I’ll add to this as I find more. PTP Explained in a non offensive way