Category: Network
Cisco 4500 Boots to Rommon Mode
Sometimes when powering up a Cisco 4500 it will boot into Rommon mode by default rather than launching the Cisco IOS operating system as it should. You can get the […]
ZeeVee STBi3 Basic Troubleshooting
Below are some basic fault-finding tips and info to sort a few of the problems encoutered with the STBi3 boxes.
SMPTE 2110 – Helpful Resources
Please find below links for some useful SMPTE 2110 resources. I’ll add to this as I find more. PTP Explained in a non offensive way
Generate UCP Config File
In order to utilise the Grass Valley UCP cards within our TFC Flow nodes at the moment some manual configuration is still required. Going forwards this process is going to […]
How to Interface Imagine SNP with Kairos
It’s possible to connect the Imagine Communication SNP directly with a Panasonic Kairos without the need for external switches or clocks.
Resetting a TP-Link EAP225 Outdoor Access Point
With the unit powered up, press and hold the reset button next to the network port until the LED on the side of the unit flashes green/orange. If the unit […]
Getting started with FLOW – TFC
FLOW uses IP technology to let you transport low latency video, audio, comms and data signals across a venue using the concept of ‘Nodes’ which are liked together using fibre. […]
IPMI access for the G1 Fleet
IPMI access for the G1 Fleet is accessed on the 1G right hand adapter. This is named ‘1G Right Static’ in Windows.
Customising WireShark to Analyse SMPTE-2022-6 and SMPTE-2110 RTP and PTP Traffic
WireShark can be customised by adding scripts and columns to the software to better analyse and report on SMPTE-2110 network traffic. Although this article is aimed at this traffic, many […]
Bitfocus Companion with Kairos Support
Please find below the brand new (Beta) version of BitFocus companion, now with added support for the Panasonic Kairos. Note – This is a brand new development build so use […]
SAM (Grass Valley) Roll Call
Please find below the installers for SAM Roll Call and GV Orbit, essential for managing our new UCP IP cards and other Grass Valley kit.