Configuring Mellanox SN2010 for SMPTE 2110

Configuring the Mellanox SN2010 for SMPTE 2110 – A basic configuration

The below is a basic configuration to enable SMPTE 2110 multicast traffic on a Mellanox SN2010. ‘Switchports’ which may have devices connected that will send or receive SMPTE 2110 traffic, including Embrionix modules, Panasonic Kairos etc will be placed into a single VLAN (VLAN 20) which will carry video traffic as well as PTP timing data. IGMP snooping will run on VLAN 20 in order to keep the multicast traffic ‘in check’ and prevent port flooding. The switches management interface will sit ‘out of band’ with VLAN 20 on its own IP range, and can be connected to a standard 1GB network switch. In this example, ports 1/1 and 1/4 contain SMPTE 2110 devices, these ports, as well as any others that DO NOT have a Grand Master clock connected need to be set to ‘forced master’ mode, to prevent a connected device accidently taking over as the PTP clock source for the entire network.

Serial settings –

Baud Rate


Data bits


Stop bits




Flow Control


Default Login –

User: admin

Password: admin

The first time you login to the switch, it will prompt you to change the admin password. Change this to ‘createch’. Decline any prompts to run the configuration wizard and ensure password hardening is disabled, otherwise there is minimum password requirements which must be met.

  • Enable switch configuration
config terminal
  • Set Multicast profile (for multicast) –
system profile eth-ipv4-mc-max 
show system profile

You must do the above first, when you change the switches profile over to be ‘multicast max’ it will wipe any previous configuration. The switch will reboot before you can proceed.

  • Setup switch management interface
interface mgmt0 ip address
  • Disable NTP
ntp disable

If the switch complains that NTP can’t be disabled –

no ntp vrf mgmt disable
  • Enable PTP protocol
protocol ptp
  • Configure the VLAN and enable PTP
vlan 20
interface vlan 20 ip address
interface vlan 20 ptp enable
  • Enable PTP on the interfaces (Devices & Grand Master)
interface ethernet 1/1 ptp enable
interface ethernet 1/4 ptp enable
  • Add the interfaces to Vlan 20 (Devices & Grand Master)
interface ethernet 1/1 switchport access vlan 20
interface ethernet 1/4 switchport access vlan 20
  • Configure PTP Priorities (Set to higher than GM)
ptp priority1 127
ptp priority2 129
  • Configure PTP Domain (Set to same as GM)
ptp domain 0
  • Add the Grand Master ClockID to the PTP Acceptable Master Table (AMT)

You can find the Grand Master clock ID within ‘status’ on the front panel of the Evertz GM or using switch (config) # show ptp amt-log

ptp amt 00:B0:AE:FF:FE:01:D7:D8
  • Make sure all other switch ports than the one which the Grand Master is connected to are forced into ‘Master State’ this will prevent another device from taking over as PTP GM.
interface ethernet 1/1 ptp enable forced-master
interface ethernet 1/4 ptp enable forced-master

PTP timing data can be sent across the network in various ways, including Unicast, Hybrid and Multicast. The Evertz Grand Masters seem only be able to output Multicast PTP traffic. You may need to tell the Mellanox switch to be in Multicast PTP mode, if using the command switch (config) # show ptp shows the switch port connected to the GM as being ‘Uncalibrated’.

  • Write your config so far to the switches memory
write memory
  • Configure IGMP snooping
ip igmp snooping
ip igmp snooping unregistered multicast forward-to-mrouter-ports
  • Enable IGMP snooping on a VLAN
vlan 20 
ip igmp snooping 
ip igmp snooping querier 
ip igmp snooping querier query-interval 125
  • Show the IP IGMP settings
show ip igmp snooping querier
  • Set your PTP to run in ‘Multicast mode’
ptp message-format multicast
  • Write your final config to the switches memory
write memory

Useful commands –

  • General
show vlan #(shows handy info about VLANs setup on switch)
show running-config #(shows ALL config currently on switch)
hostname switch1 #(sets the switches hostname)
reload #(Reboots the switch, save your config first!)
write memory #(Saves config to switch)

The switches web interface is available at https://mgmtIP on the management interface. This is helpful for using the ‘What Just Happened’ tool to get real time data on how the switch is working. You should try to avoid using this for general switch configuration.

  • PTP
show ptp
show ptp clock parent #(Shows GM switch is slave to)
show ptp forced-master #(Force a switchport to always be PTP Master)
show ptp amt-log #(Show clock IDs of devices not in AMT)


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