Category: Audio
DiGiCo SD12 Console – Multiple Display Issue Advisory
Please look at the following document if you are struggling with the DiGiCo SD12 Multiple Display Issue – Overview Screen Setup.
Synchronous Clocking in a DANTE Domain
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a protocol used to synchronise clocks throughout a computer network. On a Local Area Network, it achieves clock accuracy in the sub-microsecond range.
AES Standards
The Audio Engineering Society is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Founded in the USA in 1948, the AES is now an international organisation that unites audio […]
Using a Glensound Inferno Commentator Box with ODIN
The Inferno does not have a physical connection to the ODIN frame and should be treated as a series of 4-wire channels routed to the ODIN using DANTE Controller.
DANTE Domain Manager at E2
DDM (DANTE Domain Manager) is installed on the network at E2 and is used to manage domains such as in The Bridge production facility. There are some differences in using […]
How Comms Audio is Routed in the E2 Bridge
The following provides an insight into the routing of audio to and from remote locations when using the in-house production facilities at Creative Technology.
XLR SIP Codex ”Touch”
The In:Products SIP Codex Touch telephone interface unit facilitates outside callers interfacing with 4-wire Intercom. Participants dial the unit’s dedicated number from a mobile or landline and when the call […]
World Audio Levels and Common Meter Scales
Document about audio scales can be found at this link. dbfs/dbu/volts/VU/EBU/SMPTE RP155/DIN