We have purchased a stock of Bolero talkback adaptors from CTADAPT. The adaptors are XLR-4F to 2 x 3.5mm socket. The adaptors are intended for presenter talkback and are supplied with a microphone and a pair of stereo earphones, which can be swapped for personal in-ear devices.
The microphone socket is indicated by a red ring around the cable.
Bolero talkback adaptors are available as a kit and are barcode tracked on Rental Point.

The adaptors will only output audio when there is a mic in position. To use the adaptors in listen only mode, ensure the shorting plug included with the kit is inserted in place of the microphone.

As a reminder, audio settings can be accessed on the Bolero by long pressing the menu button on the pack until it cycles to the second level menu options.
We welcome any feedback on the adaptors as well as any suggestions for alternative solutions.
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