Category: Vision
Basic Configuration and Operation of Ultrix
A brief overview of common job related configuration steps
Basic Configuration and Operation of Tallyman
A brief overview of common job related configuration steps
How to Reset / Check-In a Tallyman/Ultrix PPU System
Quick start guide on resetting, checking in or upgrading a 4k PPU with Ultrix and Tallyman at CT
G1 Hardware Advisory
It is suggested to use the front USB ports to achieve sustained data transfers from external hard drives to and from the G1 machines, avoid using rear USB ports.
Tripods at Creative Technology
At Creative Technology, we stock, essentially, three types of tripods. These are delineated by the intended payload. You can think of these as light, mid and heavy-weight tripods.
E2 Bridge Shutdown & Restart
To cut down on wasting energy unnecessarily the E2 Bridge should be shut down when there is a prolonged period between events. These instructions cover the process.
MacOS App Opening
Apple have decided that opening apps from unidentified developers is now a setting that will not stick.
IPMI access for the G1 Fleet
IPMI access for the G1 Fleet is accessed on the 1G right hand adapter. This is named ‘1G Right Static’ in Windows.
Customising WireShark to Analyse SMPTE-2022-6 and SMPTE-2110 RTP and PTP Traffic
WireShark can be customised by adding scripts and columns to the software to better analyse and report on SMPTE-2110 network traffic. Although this article is aimed at this traffic, many […]
E2 Tallies
E2 TSL Tally output The Barco S3 and E2 will support TSL 3.1 UDP Tally output if you have a Gen 2 HDMI output card in the MV slot, it […]