User Notes for Unity Intercom package

Unity Intercom server runs on a Mac Mini and allows configuration of server details, channels and groups, user details and audio feeds.

The package contains an audio I/O licence to interface external sources. DANTE Virtual Soundcard (DVS) is installed or a USB device can be used (the device drivers will need to be installed on the Mac Mini.)

Port Forwarding

Unity Intercom uses port 20101 as a default but this can be changed to an alternative it not available. The internet router needs to have port forwarding rules set up to listen for traffic on this port from the internet and route all incoming TCP and UDP traffic to the network IP address of the server.

IP address of server

The venue will supply the IP address if the server is going to be on a specific VLAN. Otherwise set the required interface to DHCP and plug it into the network. It should receive and IP address which should then be set to a static address with the same subnet mask and gateway (this is the IP address of the router.)

IP details for client devices

Users will need to enter the following details on their device:

  • MAIN IP/HOST is the public IP address that the router is connected to. This will be provided by the venue or can be found by browsing to
  • WIFI/HOST and corresponding port can be left blank.
  • PORT is 20101 or whatever alternative port has been configured.
  • Connection Type should be set to Direct Connection.

DANTE settings

Use a network adaptor to connect the server to the DANTE network. Ensure the interface has a unique IP address in the subnet of the network. Select the required number of channels, device latency and interface from the drop down menus and then start DVS. Unity Intercom will now appear as a device in DANTE Controller and is where the audio can be routed to other devices. Corresponding numbers will appear as in/out channels in the channels tab on the server.

Selecting audio devices

Devices are selected from the dropdown options in the General tab (a restart of the server is required after any hardware change.)


  • Stop DVS (if you are connected to Unity Intercom you will hear an alert on your device until connection is re-established)
  • Quit Unity Intercom server from the menu bar option (see diagram.) Closing the applications windows will not quit the server and have no effect. Unity Intercom needs to be restarted by fully quitting the server any time there is a hardware change.
  • Restart DVS
  • Restart Unity Intercom


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