The In:Products SIP Codex Touch telephone interface unit facilitates outside callers interfacing with 4-wire Intercom. Participants dial the unit’s dedicated number from a mobile or landline and when the call is accepted they will join the partyline.

When an incoming call is received the screen wakes up and an audible alert is received on the unit. The operator accepts the call from the touchscreen and the caller will enter the partyline.
Only one caller may be connected at a time but multiple units can be added to system to bring additional remote contributors into the intercom system.
The system is easy to configure and is an effective way to include remote contributions into the Comms network. The system is running now and is worth checking out in the Dark Bridge. The telephone number that should be called is printed on the unit.
Screen when idle, the screen will go blank after a short period of inactivity.

Screen when call is received
Currently the phone number in use are
+44 2037819371
+44 2037819372
+44 2037819373
They are assigned to units 1 to three respectively.
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