When using multiple outputs from a laptop/PC (e.g. full screen slide and notes) in the PowerPoint Presenter mode, you can encounter issues in PPT presentations that have been made elsewhere on a low power machines. The most common issue is that embedded VT’s will not playback but instead sit on the first frame. There is a few things that the GFX op needs to do to get around these issues.
- PowerPoint must be forced to use the nVidia GPU and not the ‘Integrated GPU’. This must be configured in the nVidia settings. Click right mouse button on the desktop and choose nVidia Control Panel>Manage 3D settings > 1. Select a program to customise > Choose Microsoft PowerPoint > 2. Select the preferred graphics processors for this program > Choose High performance nVidia processor.

2. PowerPoint Slide show settings can have an effect with VT’s. If the presentation was made on a machine with no discrete GPU then checking this box will make the presentation more compatible. This is configured in File/Options/Advanced.

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