CPS1 – No longer compatible with our radios

navigating your way around cps2
• We don’t use Job tickets, Systems, Encoder or Decoder in any of our programs.
• If you are writing a program for standalone systems or simplex, you can ignore Scan Lists & Capacity Plus Lists as well.
• If you’re writing an all-analogue file, you can also ignore Contacts & Rx Group Lists.
• Top Bar buttons
• Read and Write are used with the interrogated radio only.
• When writing to a fleet of radios use Clone or Clone Express (preserves Radio Identity parameters).

validation tab
• Keep an eye on the validation tab while you’re programming.
• The Validation bar will glow blue and display the number of validation errors (if any).
• By double clicking on the error the program will take you straight to the page the error is on.
• All errors are outlined in red.

A closer look at General Tab
• The “Welcome Bitmap” will display a picture of your choice when the radio boots up.
• The parameters for the picture are very precise (see the help screen for details).
• Pressing remove displays the Motorola default picture.
• Delete all the language packs speed up programming time.
• “General settings” has all the global settings for the radio regardless of what mode it’s in.
• Button definitions are in the “Control Buttons” section.
• There is both a short and a long press action. You can change the long press time in the same section.
• The “Menu” section allows the user to access various features programmed in the radio.
• It’s a good Idea to keep this as locked down as possible so that the end user isn’t swamped with unnecessary menu options.

just before we look at the contacts tab
•Every digital radio needs a unique ID for the same reason that every piece of equipment on a network needs a unique IP address. The same is true for group ID’s.
•With the use of ID’s & Rx lists it is possible for one physical channel to accommodate many groups of channels.
•This will be covered in more detail in the next presentation when we look at more advanced radio networks.
The Contacts Tab
• It’s important to set up your contacts when using any digital technology as this forms part of the “Admit Criteria”.
• Individual contacts are not required unless you’re actively using private dial up.
• You are limited to 16 characters.
• To add a new group, select the “Plus” icon, then select the “Plus” next to Digital and select Group Call.

• It’s important to set up your contacts when using any digital technology as this forms part of the “Admit Criteria”.
• Individual contacts are not required unless you’re actively using private dial up.
• You are limited to 16 characters.
• To add a new group, select the “Plus” icon, then select the “Plus” next to Digital and select Group Call.
• Put a unique number in “Call ID” and the other options can be left as they are.
• Try to stick to a specific numbering standard ( I use 200-x for individual calls & 901-y for groups.
• “All Call” only calls the radios on that channel not the entire fleet.
• Capacity Plus (Single & Multi) need to use the Capacity Plus section.

rx group lists
• Once you’ve made your Contact list you also need to make Rx lists for every group call.
• You make a new list and then add the Contacts that are members.
• In most cases you need an Rx List for each group Contact.
• When using Capacity Plus these Receive lists are in the Capacity Plus Rx Group lists folder immediately below Digital Rx Group Lists.

zones & Channels
• Channels are divided into Zones & the Channel Pool.
• A Zone is a folder of channels. This means you can divide the total number of channels into easier chunks (e.g., venues).
• The “Channel Pool” is where you put non-selectable channels.
• This must be done for Capacity plus channels.

• Channels are divided into Zones & the Channel Pool.
• A Zone is a folder of channels. This means you can divide the total number of channels into easier chunks (e.g. venues).
• The “Channel Pool” is where you put non selectable channels.
• This can be particularly useful on multi site systems.
• This must be done for Capacity plus channels.
• When adding a cannel you can chose between the following types:
• Analogue.
• Digital [Also used for IP Site Connect].
• Capacity Plus Personality [Single site CAP+].
• Capacity Plus Personality (Linked) [LCP].
• 5 Tone [We don’t use this technology].

analogue Channel

DIGI Channel

building a standalone repeater
Repeater File:
• In the General tab give the repeater a unique ID. I normally go for 1xx.
• Next go to the Link Establishment Tab and select Link Type “None”. This will remove all the networking features.

• In the General tab give the repeater a unique ID. I normally go for 1xx.
• Next go to the Link Establishment Tab and select Link Type “None”. This will remove all the networking features.
• Next add a digital channel and delete the unused channel.
• Give it a unique Color Code and make sure the RSSI Threshold is set to -40dBm.
• Add your licenced frequency, set the power level to low & double check the TOT.

Portable File
•Give the Radio a unique ID & make a unique contact for every group (Simplex & Repeated).

Next in the “Digital Rx Group list” section make an Rx list for every group & add that group as a member.

• Next add a zone and add enough channels for what you need.
• Channel Name: What appears on the radio.
• Give it the same Color code that was on the repeater.
• When using Digital Repeaters you have access to 2 slots per repeater. To take advantage of the second slot simply change your “Repeater/Time Slot” to 2 on your second channel whilst keeping everything else the same.
• Make sure everything else is unticked or set to none.
• Add your licenced frequency.
• Finally add your Rx Group list and contact name and set the admit Criteria to “Always”.
• By default this set to “Channel Free” when adding a new channel so be careful.

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