CT have added a simpler web interface to an existing open source monitoring system to allow for quick deployment on site. This does mean that equipment that needs to be monitored needs to be set up in a particular way for the system to be able monitor this equipment.
Riello UPS
Riello UPS are monitored via an optional NetMan204 card. Open the IP address of the card in a web browser, log in and navigate to Configuration -> SNMP.
Ensure the Enable SNMP protocol switch is on, set the SNMP version to SNMP V1/V2 and set the Get community string to CT-RADIUS-SNMP
Panasonic Projectors
To avoid issues with the PJ-Link protocol, the system uses the projectors web page to get data from the projector. Ensure you can open the web page of the projector in a browser and log in. The system assumes the default credentials of admin1 / panasonic are used, but this can be changed if needed.
NetGear GS728-TPP Switches
Log in to the switches web pages and navigate to System -> SNMP -> SNMP v1/v2. Add an entry allowing any IP address and subnet using the community string CT-RADIUS-SNMP ad shown. Ensure this entry is set to read-only and enabled.
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