Basic Configuration and Operation of Tallyman

A brief overview of common job related configuration steps

The default files for Tallyman should be loaded before any job specific configuration starts.

Changing Names

To change how names appear on the Ultrix Multiviewers, Engineering Panels and Vision mixer you need to change the Mnemonics in both ULTRIX assoc (ENG Labels) and VID (VM & MV Labels). There are a couple of ways to change the names, you can either go through each source and change the mnemonic, or you can copy from an excel spreadsheet and then highlight the relevant sources and click – ‘Edit’ ‘Paste Mnemonics’. Once you have made changes to sources you can copy from within tallyman also.

Names can be updated in either offline or online mode.

Adding a Basic Throwdown Panel

By default, the systems come with three preset panels, for the System, Engineering and Emergency Cut. If you want to add another panel – Click on the System Root, and press ‘Add New Component’. Select ‘Control Panel’ and give it a relatable name. Set the Type to TSL Control Panel, tick ‘Router Control, Single Dest -> Matrix’. Set it to Ultrix Assoc and choose the output this panel will control.

There are various options which will depend on the use for the panel. Set the number of pages needed, if using multiple pages, tick ‘Encoder Scrolls Pages’ and hit Apply.

In Set Comms – add the Port Number of the throwdown panel and leave the IP Address blank. Port Number needs to be higher than 8901.

Once the panel is connected use the button editor to add buttons. Right clicking on a button will bring up the editor. Select the Matrix and add the Source you want to appear on this button. Select the Video/Audio levels required (normally all 17) and click ok. This will add a button to the panel.

If you are adding a sequence of sources, you can hold CTRL and right click in the next button and it will auto add the next source.

Adding panels has to be done in Offline Mode, but can be edited Online

Adding an Additional Engineering Bay Panel

Follow the steps above, but include the below steps.

In Joystick Overrides, set the value to 8 and click Add GPIO

Expand the Panel in tree and click on Button. Scroll down to the Joystick buttons. Find JS Def Source and check the ‘Use previous source’ box.

Click on the GPIO in the tree and set the Tally Inputs to 8 and Tally Ouputs to 12. Press Configure I/O

Name the Tally Inputs and set to GPI Only

Name the Tally Outputs and set the 1-4 to GPI, 5-8 VMIX RED, 9-12 VMIX GRN

Adding panels has to be done in Offline Mode, but can be edited Online

Controlling Parallel Tally Outputs

Open the Tally PinPatch, select Destination as Tally Out – Parallel and source as VMIX PGM or VMIX GRN. This will populate the XY Grid and from there you can choose what source and corresponding tally you want to hit the parallel outputs.


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