Adding a Simple Client Multiview Stream to the Eden Platform

From June 2021, the standalone website that hosted comfort and multiview streams for clients to view live feeds from the Bridges is has been migrated to the Eden platform. Any engineers with an admin login can now add a multiview stream for their project without having to rely on the Software Development team.

To add a new multiview or stream presentation to the multiview site, log in at We are only going to look at adding a new stream of the existing CT branded site however custom domains can be added by the Software Development team, and once they are  configured the process of adding streams is the same.

Select Presentations from the left-hand menu, then click Add New

Fill in the Settings tab, giving your presentation a name which will appear in the header of the viewing page, a summary of the project or stream, set the Project to CT Multiview and finally enable the Publish option.

Next we configure the interactivity of the viewing page. As the site is designed for online events, we need to disable most of the functionality. Go to the Auditorium Controls tab, and copy the settings in the screenshot below.

In the Player Settings tab, upload a suitable poster and holding image. The poster image displays behind the play button when you load the page, the holding image is shown if the stream is not available for any reason. Plain sample images are available to download here. You can leave the other settings as default on this page.

In the Video Playlists tab, select Add New. Set a start and end date. This can be any amount of time required to cover the job and only really affects the event schedule function which we don’t need to use.  Set both the Stream URL and the Clear Stream URL as required. Different CDNs have different settings so please refer to the instructions for the various streaming platforms later in this article to finish the configuration of this page. Finally on this tab, select the Tag as ‘No Tag

Click Add to List to add this new video to the playlist, then click Submit to save.

As it stands, the presentation we have just created is entirely private as we have not given anyone, including our own login, permission to view it. Select Members from the left-hand menu, then Members Details/Roles from the expanded menu item. Click Add Member to create a viewing account for the client. If they have an account already, skip to the next section to add viewing permission to their existing account. You can use the filter to search for their account or email if you think they have one.  If adding a new member, the email address doesn’t have to be real, it’s just a username and password for them to log in with.

Once added, or if the member already exists, click the little contact card icon by their name to edit the user. Give permission to view your new presentation by making sure the presentation you just added is enabled for this user at the bottom of this page and click Save to apply.

The viewers then logs in at

The username you created can be used to log in multiple times, or if they want individual logins that add more users.  There is a user import function if the list of unique viewers is very long, but for most cases one shared login should be sufficient.

CDN and Player Setups

Using Wowza on the Eden Platform

Using (Formerly Millicast) on the Eden Platform


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