Pixera Control
Countdown of the timeline – V1.8.259
Pixera can count down between the cues on the timeline and below is described how you can configure it in Pixera Control
- Launch Pixera application and add cues to the timeline then head to the Control UI
- From the Library tab bring to the viewport in the middle, module named “NewModule” and select it
- In the Properties on the right click on the UI tab and then “Add UI” and you should get a window to configure the look of the UI
- Add a monitor label by clicking on the plus symbol and from the dropdown choose Label>Monitor label, adjust the size, position and style of the button in the properties, below the UI window
- Select the monitor label and click on the Expand symbol which should show you all available modules and select Pixera
- Then click on the arrow above the button, then select Pixera>Compound>getCurrentCountdownHMSFOfTimeline and enter the name of the timeline in the box
- Don’t forget to save the UI changes with the save button inside the UI. PIXERA’s project-save button won’t recognize changes inside the UI
- Countdown label is ready to use, click on the pencil symbol to leave the edit mode
- If you play the timeline you should see the count down time
- For better view of the UI you can copy the UI URL and view it in any web browser on any device on the network, as described here.
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