Basic Configuration and Operation of Ultrix

A brief overview of common job related configuration steps

The default files for Ultrix should be loaded before any job specific configuration starts.

Source and Destination Names

Namings within Ultrix are not controlled through Tallyman. If you want to change names to be job specific you can do this in the Sources / Destinations Tab within the Ultrix tree. Note that changes will not be applied across the database unless soft panels etc are closed and reopened.

Soft Panels

As default the systems have the below pre created soft panels. Every softpanel has a default crosspoint assigned to it. These should only be used at the start of a configuration or if you have issues as this will re-route everything on that panel.

All-XY – All Sources & Destinations presented, allows routing of single or multiple levels

MVW – All MVW destinations presented. There may be more destinations shown than windows on your MVW, ignore those not needed

SDI-SDI – All Video Sources & Destinations presented. Single level routing possible if needed

SDI-Audio – All Video Sources and Audio Destinations presented for sending sound from Video Feeds to Audio

Audio-SDI – All Audio Sources & Video Destinations presented for embedding onto an SDI output. Single level routing available

Audio – Audio – All Audio Sources & Destination presented

Adding a New Soft Panel

Open the Soft Panel window from the Tree View. Add a name for the panel and choose the style you want. Most default Panels are multi-bus. Choose the number of levels you wish to be viewable, and then add the relevant sources and destinations. Press Apply, and the soft panel will appear in the menu under the default panels.

Audio Embedding (FROM AUDIO TO VIDEO)

To embed an Audio signal onto and SDI output, you can use the Audio-SDI panel. Select the Router Output you want to add audio to, and then select the relevant Audio channels. All 16 audio channels can be routed independently. It is advisable to route all audio levels to Mute before assigning programme channels to avoid audio on unwanted channels.

NOTE: Most systems have three Audio configurations; Madi Fibre (RTRMADI-IPXX), Madi Coax (FSMADI-IPXX), Analogue Audio (AA-IPXX) check you are using the correct source

NOTE: When routing SDI to SDI this will take all 16 audio channels with it (unless unselected) so if you change the SDI source after routing Audio – check that you still have the correct channels.

Audio De-Embedding (FROM VIDEO TO AUDIO)

To send Audio from an SDI source to Audio you can use the SDI-Audio panel. Select the relevant SDI input where the audio is presented and select the appropriate Audio destination to route this too.

NOTE: Most systems have three Audio configurations; Madi Fibre (RTRMADI-OPXX), Madi Coax (FSMADI-OPXX), Analogue Audio (AA-OPXX) check you are using the correct Audio destination

NOTE: Routing Audio from the Video Source input will only take level 1 of audio off of the source. If you need to route audio from channels 1-16 of the source, these are all presented at the end of the database.


There are two configurable multiviewers on the Ultrix Systems. There is an array of layouts that can be assigned individually to the multiviewers in the Ultriscape Head Selector.

When assigning inputs to the multiviewer slots, ensure that the Head Selector shows all slots as normal, unless you wish for the multiviewer to show an output, in which case you can set it to ‘Follow RTR-XX’.

Assigning sources to the multiviewer can be done in the MVW soft Panel or via the System Tallyman Panel.


By default there are a number of system base salvos to be used on Check In/start of prep.

It is recommended to capture system salvos whilst onsite at End of Day. This can be done in the All X-Y Panel, by pressing Salvo – Capture Current Status. If required this can be viewed and named in the Salvos page in the Ultrix Tree.


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