E2 Tallies

E2 TSL Tally output

The Barco S3 and E2 will support TSL 3.1 UDP Tally output if you have a Gen 2 HDMI output card in the MV slot, it is not supported on any other card.

Details about the TSL protocol can be found here: https://tslproducts.com/media/1959/tsl-umd-protocol.pdf

TSL can be received by a number of devices, but the easiest way is to have a management system for example TSL tallyman or Tally Arbiter.

Once you have set up your destination and sources in Event master, go to the configuration page and to the Tally tab.

At the bottom of the page, you will be able to set up the destination of your Tally data.

  • Tally IP protocol: only supports TSL 3.1 (set it to this)
  • IP address: The IP address of the receiving device
  • Port: the port number that tally is being received on
  • Test tallies: will send tally on for PGM/PVW when set to on
  • Set Buscombo: will set all sources on all destinations to the dropdown you chose
  • Tally start/end: the start and end TSL address

You can manual change which source has tallies for which Destinations by changing the drop downs on the table in the middle of the page.

The numbers on the right hand side of the table is the TSL address for each source, will need this later.

The E2 or S3 should now be sending TSL Tally out on the IP address and port set.

Receiving TSL 3.1 tally in Tally Arbiter

Link to software: https://github.com/josephdadams/TallyArbiter

Once you have installed it, go to the settings page and login using the Username: admin and PW: 12345

Adding a source

  • Click the add button next to Sources
  • Chose type “TSL 3.1 UDP”
  • Give the source a name and the port number (the one you set event master to send tally data out on)
  • Click Save

Adding a Device

  • Click the add button next to Devices
  • Give the Device a name and a Description
  • Click save
  • Click Edit Sources on the Device you have just added
  • Click + Add Source
  • Select the source you added in the first step
  • Enter the TSL address of the source you would like tally from in E2

You should now be able to see Preview and Program data in Tally Arbiter


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