The guide below explains how to set up and use the CT RadioShack software. A PDF version is available to download here.
The first step is to connect all peripherals to the NUC PC [barcode scanner, sign-out touch pad, keyboard/mouse and USB dongle – the dongle has the licence key to allow the software to run]
Radio Shack PC password: createch
Creating a User Database
A fresh set-up requires the user to create a database using the Sample RadioShack Excel sheet found on the desktop.
Locate the Excel template on the desktop and save a copy; you could give it the show name for example.
Note, all columns must have text in order for the shack software to register all radios, including spare radios!
Column 1 Radio – This is the unique radio number and will match the numbering scheme each radio will have – i.e. 201, 202 etc
Column 2 Name – Name of the persons expected to collect – If unknown, copy the unique radio number from Column 1 – This will be updated later within the shack software when the customer collects radio
Column 3 Group – If unknown, input something, i.e. name of event to keep relevant
Column 4 BadgeID – A unique number, the template will already have the start of this; just extend to end of your list
Now your database has been created and saved to the desktop it is time to start the software and import the database. Click the Radio Shack shortcut on the desktop
This process will first import the database and then setup the hardware.
Step 1 Upload your excel database: Browse desktop for your saved list. Note the following ‘mismatch’ warning. Click yes to this; it’s just an error in the program software
You will see – It confirms 40 users and 40 radios. Obviously this number will change depending on how many radios you are sending.
Step 2 Enter your accessories amount: – Chargers, headsets, accessory adapters etc
Step 3 Choose NUC. Press NEXT
Step 4 The printer: – CT have chosen to do away with this, please ignore. NEXT!
Step 5 Signature Pad (notice the status; should be ‘active’). NEXT
Step 6 Camera – CT have chosen not to implement this. NEXT
Step 7 Finish: Now you’re ready to sign-out radios and accessories.
Starting the NUC from shut down
When the shack software has been closed, opening it again will require reintroducing the hardware. The database previously uploaded will remain as per the initial set-up plus any changes made the day before.
Click the Radio Shack shortcut on the desktop, you will be presented with the following view
Step 1 Choose NUC: Press NEXT
Step 2 The printer: – CT have chosen to do away with this, please ignore. NEXT!
Step 3 Signature Pad (notice the status; should be ‘active’). NEXT
Step 4 Camera – CT have chosen to not implement this. NEXT
Step 5 Finish.
Now you are ready to sign-out radios and accessories.
Check Out a radio and accessory
Step 1 Click Check Out. Find and click on the radio ID pertaining to the customer (you might identify them by the group they belong to i.e security, beverages etc). If not on the list and it has been approved by the client, you have the choice to give them a spare radio (normally included in the database and physical amount of radios sent to site). Here I’ve chosen Radio ID 201. Click Checkout (right of panel). Note the COLLECTED box has no tick, this shows the radio has not been collected.
Step 2 is quite clear, choose accessories. Here this will show stock levels to. NEXT
Step 3 CUSTOMER DATA – Collecting Customer/drop down list. Chose the number of the radio in question (In this case it is 201) Enter the customer name if needed.
Step 4 Enter customer contact details. Email: The system will send a receipt to the customer’s email. Mobile number: The system will send a text to the customer’s phone. This also serves as a means of contacting the customer to retrieve the radio should they not return.
Step 5 Customer to Confirm and sign digital pad. COMPLETE!
Check In a Radio and/or an Accessory
Step 1 Click ‘Home’ top right, this takes you back to main screen. Click return. Locate radio ID and highlight
Step 2 Scan radio barcode and return. Here it will show the accessories the customer has, return those that the customer has handed back.
Stock Info
Here you can see a tick box next to the radio, if ticked this shows it has been collected. Double click on any radio ID to show history, whether accessories and/or the radio are still out or what is yet to be returned.
In the same Window, you can click on accessories (top tab), this shows current stock levels. You can manipulated stock levels here too; minus to take faulty returns into account, or add to show more stock sent to site by CT
If a customer has a faulty radio and needs to exchange for another one, following the next steps
Step 1 Highlight the radio of concern, click exchange
Step 2 Highlight the radio you wish to replace it with, click exchange and scan replacement radio barcode. Input reason for return? You can go back to Stock Info and see the faulty radio listed in red.
Shack has lost power, or been turned off
Start NUC PC and run through set-up procedure as per header 2 above.
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